
Friday 3 June 2011

Phishing Service by 32155

Uya is too lazy to karut-marut in this blog. I guess, mood yang tak menentu sejak dua menjak ni kot yang trigger kemalasan tahap gaban. /wahaha Tapi demi menceritakan ketidak adilan yang berlaku kat diri ni, haruslah merajinkan diri. 

Citernye cengghini, Jumaat lepas my phone bill sampai tapi tak bother pun nak tengok masa (sebab takde niat nak pergi bayar bil on that day). Maka terperap la bil tu atas meja sampai la hari Ahad pukul 1pagi bila rasa tergerak nak bukak tengok (konon2 nak gi bayar pagi tu).

Terkejut beruk itubila terpandang amaun yang nak kena bayar. Aiiii...
Awat tinggi sangat ni?!belek punya belek, i notice kat bahagian SMS Content Services Received charges RM3 every day. Apa kes ni? Bila masa I subscribe mende karut marut ni? Takat tu je dah RM54. Rase macam nak meraung jer. Tapi bila pikir dah pukul satu pagi, tahan je la perasaan ni. Takut jiran ingat bende lain pulak.

Cepat2 call customer service (pukul 1 pagi k). Peduli hape haku. hati ni bukan kemain sakit lagi dah. Call 2-3 kali, dia kata customer service busy. Busy mende pagi buta? Huhu... hatiku teramatlah panas k. At last dapat la cakap jugak. Perbualan kat bawah ni diringkaskan, supaya Uya boleh tido cepat malam ni:

Me: Hello. Saya nak tanya berkaitan bil saya. Saya baru tengok bil (mesti mamat tu pelik, aphal la minah ni tengok bil pepagi buta), lepas tu ada charges dari sumber yang I tak subscribe. Macam mana yer? Saya langsung tak terima MMS or any services from this provider?
CS: Cik ade guna internet kat phone cik ke?
Me: Ye
CS: Kebarangkalian cik ade klik kat ads yang contain spam tu?
Me: Ye ke? dah tu cane ye? boleh ke saya nak stop benda ni dari charge bil saya. Dah banyak ni? bla bla bla
CS:  Mmm... Since this charges doesn't come from ******, kami tak boleh remove dari bil tu?
ME: (What?) Oooo, ye ker?
CS: Tapi boleh hentikan... bla bla bla...
note that i called on 29th May. So, tambah lagi 5 hari they're gonna charge me. Total=RM69.30.
lepas cakap dengan CS tu, dengan sakit hati I followed the steps yang dia bagi. Taip 'STOP ALL' and hantar ke nombor yang provide service content tu. Okay, I got a reply, cakap subscription dihentikan. Damn! bila i subscibe nie... Eeee...Geram tak terkata. Nasib baik asap tak kuar kot telinga ja.

Dah settle, tapi hati masih panas. I searched in the internet for the number. Nak tengok la service ape yang di'provide' sebenarnye. Yang dijumpai, this NEXTNATION thingy provide bende Karut marut jer. Service that you have to register your name, age and gender utk chat, ringtone and other multimedia services. Hulloooo, tak main la download yang cikai2 from this NEXTNATION. Ni bukan zaman Uni hokay! Sedangkan time Uni dulu pun I cant be bothered with these kinda stuff.

As I was searching, suddenly I came across this link to Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) and I saw this online services provided 'Aduan SKMM'.

Demi menegakkan keadilan, I placed my report at two in the morning. Andaikata this 32155 NEXTNATION ni penipu (which obviously they are!), I wish SKMM do something. In the report, I mentioned that I did not subscribe and if I ever did, I did not receive any services from the above said party. By now, I already received email from SKMM that they have brought up this matter to ******. Plus, ****** sent an SMS saying that my case has been logged for further investigation.

Takpe, sekarang ni i'll let them do their investigation/job. For now, I still wanna pay only for the services that I have used. MUKTAMAD! Harap kes ni selesai cepat2. To content provider, 32155, stop cheating. I guess you never think of halal haram.

Akhir kata, Kurang ajaq sunggoh depa ni! (Sori ye, tak mampu tahan perasaan dah)

Note: After doing my calculation, total of charges yang dikenakan to my bill would be RM69.30.

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