
Thursday 15 December 2011

Thursday 8 December 2011

Syukur Alhamdulillah

I may have good news to share but let me confirm first and get back to this blog later.

Thursday 27 October 2011

tatkala poket kering


today my hubby pergi ronda untuk kumpul hasil kutipan kami. tapi apa yang mengecewakan, dia dapat hanyalah coinbox yang dah di kopak. tak tahu la bila masa si pencuri ni buat keje. mentang2 cuti sekolah, student sume takde, dia buat la keje die.

i guess this kind of person tak fikir halal haram. ikutkan hati, mau je curse that person, tapi my 'tok guru' penah kata, jangan doa sembarangan. nanti Allah makbulkan macam mana pulak. ok2, dari i curse u, might as well i pray to Allah for wealth, health & happiness of my family.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim... Kami mohon permudahkan segala urusan kami, dimurahkan rezeki kami dan dikurniakan anak2 yang soleh dan solehah. Kurniakanlah kesihatan tubuh badan agar kami dapat mengerjakan amal ibadat dengan sempurna. semoga kami berjaya dan bahagia di dunia dan akhirat... Amin...
Nota Lutut: Buat si pencuri, saya memang marah sama kamu,  kita jumpa di akhirat nanti. & thank u sbb buatkn kami jadi salah seorang daripada orang yang teraniaya...

Sunday 23 October 2011

Kucing Oren

My love for cats was always there since I was small... here's a story for the cat outside my house...

Yesterday, there's this small cat outside my house... taktau berapa umor dia. found the cat yesterday evening when i was about to go out to meet my client. Dalam hati harap she's ok (it's a female cat). balik time senja tu, she was not there. 
lepas maghrib we went out again untuk tukar syiling pulak. kucing tu dah hilang. i thought, ok maybe the owner dah ambil kot. after selesai melepak tengok bola dekat hailam kopitiam, we went back to sg buloh. arrived home pukul 12 lebih, seram sejuk nak bukak pagar. hihi... time nak bukak pagar, kerling la sana sini... saja2 gatal tengok kot2 ada kelibat mende lain plak kan. suddenly, i sawthis cat terbaring on the middle of the road. waited for my hubby to come out of the car, then baru pegi tengok die. kot2 ade yang dah lenyek die. 
alalalalalaaa... kesian sangat, she's fast asleep. tanya la my hubby if we can take care of the cat. he gave the green light cepat2 i picked her up. my hubby yang takut kucing pun kesian dengan condition kucing ni.
Masuk je rumah, i rebus ikan yang tinggal sekor tu. i tried to feed her, tapi her sense of smell pun macam dah out. Her eyesight lagi la teruk, dah kene infection agaknye. Ya Allah, kesian nye kucing ni... kot manusia, boleh la bagi tau sakit tang mana, kucing macam mana nak habaq. Since we dont have kids lagi (belum ade rezeki), let me take care & tolong ape2 yang patut. Tak salah kan?
Malam tadi i put her in a box yang dah berlapik dengan kain and biarkan dia tidur situ for one night. at least it's comfortable compared sleeping on the streets. die kene flu agaknye, sebab asyik bersin je.... Hmmm... ciaaaaan... pagi tadi she woke up earlier than us... hehe...
cepat2 bawak die kluar, kot2 die bear-bear in the house plak. bila dah lepaskan, tak mau kluar plak die. bile dah kluar, jatuh dalam longkang. berapa kali i had to check if she's ok. hihi... macam anak i pulak. check kat internet for veterinary, tapi goverment punye closed on holidays. hmm... so, camne?

What should i do, my lil' dear kitten?

Nota Lutut: Tengah berfikir2, andaikata aku di tempat kucing, ape la nasib aku...

Saturday 22 October 2011

dare to lose II

Mari bercerita tentang diet sambil mentekedarah (meaning: makan) ayam goreng Ayamas! Hohoho... 
Okie, the 1st round of Dare-to-Lose contest that i took part in July went on for 2-weeks. what we need to do is consume the Nutrastart product. also, we were given a simple diet programme that we can refer to. did i follow the plan? Nope! LOL... 
Later, top three winners will be chosen from each branch to move on to the final round to become the Top 10 Ultimate Nutrastart Ambassador Challanger 2011.
Okes, my part of story, since I've got nothing to lose (i dont mean 'lemak2'), I just joined the contest. Who knows, I might be able to, i waited for a phone call from the organizer... dengan harapan akan terpilih la kan... tunggu punya tunggu, still xde yg call... di dalam hati, sedikit kuciwa, tapi pura2 lupa psl contest tu. 
Tetiba, di suatu hari jumaat yang sangat indah phone bunyik tatkala si dugong sedang bergolek2 atas lantai.. rupe2nye Miss W call nk bagi tahu, I'm qualified. Fuiyyooh... Tapi dlm hati tak puas, apsal la bg tau lmbt sgt, eden da mentekedarah macam2 sebab nak ubati hati yang kuciwa tu... ahaha... alasan tak munasarawak betol... Ni ha hadiah untuk top 3 winners... 
ni dapat 2 canister
penimbang digital ni pn dpt gak (rega lebey kurang RM3++)
plus 50 booklet pasal produk NutraStart ni... ok le tu...
By the way, program ni start sebelum puasa and ends lepas sebulan raya puasa... budget2 berat turun la time posa tu, tapi bila raya, temptation tu tak dapat dilawan...agak2 berat turun tak? uhuks! berat da TAMO turun.. timbangan terakhir turun ciput jer. So, total weight that i lost through out the contest was only 7.5%. Tak tau le layak ke idak jadi Top 10...

Nota Lutut: bila la berat nak jadi macam 5 tahun lepas kalau hangat-hangat tahi ayam...

Sunday 16 October 2011

telinga kuali

Once upon a time, there was a wonderful evening where the internet became really slow to access...

Bobo: Hmmm... we need to change to Unifi
Yuji: (yeay! I vote for Unifi)
Shasha: owh, my brother works for TM... he's the one who installs the system throughout Malaysia
Bobo: Then, ask your brother to do it for us.
Shasha: When?
Bobo: Tomorrow!
Shasha: Cannot lor... u need to make a request first only then u can install it.
Yuji: (Duh? why ask 'WHEN?' in the first place. Just mention about the request kan senang... Just now u boast like ur big bro can install it immediately) hohoho

Nota Lutut: Harap2 diri seniri tak cakap besar

Wednesday 5 October 2011

dealing with difficulties?

Dari Anas RA berkata : Nabi SAW bersabda, Sesungguhnya besarnya pahala itu bergantung kepada besarnya cubaan. Sesungguhnya apabila Allah mencintai sesuatu kaum itu maka ianya di beri cubaan. Barangsiapa yang rela dan redha menerimanya, ia mendapat keredhaan Allah, dan barangsiapa yang murka atau tidak menerima ujian dengan baik, maka ia pun mendapat murka Allah.
( HR.Tirmidzi)

Terbaca hadis ni a few weeks back at a boarding school in Klang. Why do I feel like sharing this hadith? Because, whenever I'm in pain or having any difficultiesI'll remind myself of this hadith. Secara tak langsung, membuatkan kita redha dan yakin ada hikmah di sebalik dugaan atau musibah yang menimpa.

Ingatlah pada rukun iman yang ke-6, Beriman kepada qada' dan qadar.

Nota Lutut: No more complaints 

Tuesday 5 July 2011

bebel sorang-sorang

antara kerja untuk orang atau kerja sendiri, mana satu jadi pilihan?

and I have done both!

and the winner is



NOTA LUTUT: setiap satu perkara ada baik dan buruknya... it's your choice to decide...

Saturday 2 July 2011

dare to lose

Disebabkan kebahagiaan tahap melampau selama 5 tahun, maka nafsu makan pun jadi melampau... AKHIRNYA? berat badan pun TURUN dengan melampau.. HOHO!!!

 Dan setelah 5 tahun menyimpan segala lemak yang tepu itu, akhirnya timbullah kesedaran sivik yang melampau jugak... MAKA dengan segala kesedaran sivik itulah, I entered the Dare To Lose contest....

Lose ape?



NOPE!!! tapi LEMAK2 yang degil!

Anyway, you can see my happy face walaupun di atas penimbang (tu belum tengok berat lagi tu)... kihkihkih.... dalam hati, "oh my! bocor rahsia berat haku berapa sekarang?" Maloooo... 
Yeppi Meee! i nampak lebor coz  i pulled my kain so that she can see my weight hokay!
WHAT's my BMI? How much weight I've lost? wait till 2 weeks time okay... hehe...

Nota Lutut: baru sehari da turun sekilo... kalau dalam 14 hari berat boleh jadi sama macam 5 tahun lepas memang sonok terkinja2 la... kihkihkih...

Wednesday 15 June 2011

hepi befday! lagi?

hari ni befday sapa pulak dah ni? My mummy!

you light up my life!

/wahaha blog ni dipenuhi dengan befday wishes je... Nak buat cane, my life is full with LOOOOVE! Tahan je lah eyh... hehe... nak cerita pasal pengorbanan ibu ka hari ni? tak kot... nanti orang yang baca blog ni nangis2 plak... tamo arr cenggitu... kita nak happy2 & ceria2 slalu... sesi renungan nanti kita buat lain hari pulak... Ngeee...

So aktiviti hari ni, bake Devil's Cake (Devils Cake? Itu yang ditulis kat kotak Pillsburry tu OKAY)... Ohoho... Hasilnya kita masuk dalam next post... moh breakfast!

NOTA LUTUT: My  life is full with love, My tummy is full with food... BAHAGIANYA!!! 

Monday 6 June 2011

hepi belated befday!

hepi befday to me!
hepi befday to me!
hepi befday to Uya...
hepi befday to me!

Erk... It's belated birthday actually..

Friday 3 June 2011

Phishing Service by 32155

Uya is too lazy to karut-marut in this blog. I guess, mood yang tak menentu sejak dua menjak ni kot yang trigger kemalasan tahap gaban. /wahaha Tapi demi menceritakan ketidak adilan yang berlaku kat diri ni, haruslah merajinkan diri. 

Citernye cengghini, Jumaat lepas my phone bill sampai tapi tak bother pun nak tengok masa (sebab takde niat nak pergi bayar bil on that day). Maka terperap la bil tu atas meja sampai la hari Ahad pukul 1pagi bila rasa tergerak nak bukak tengok (konon2 nak gi bayar pagi tu).

Terkejut beruk itubila terpandang amaun yang nak kena bayar. Aiiii...

Friday 27 May 2011

Hati bergula

Things are made to be broken...
what about hearts?


nite2 & sweetdreams! 

Monday 23 May 2011

TiPs: Kera! Oh Kera!

Today, En Permata yang baik hati pegi keje sorang2. When it comes to lifting heavy things, I have to stay at home sebab Uya does not have any special power to do it. Maka, hari ini diisytiharkan hari bergolek2 Shin Chan dekat DM ni. Ohoho...

Tengah golek2 best punyer dekat atas lantai suddenly bunyi *DUM!!!* kat bumbung. Naseb baik belum gelap gulita kat luar. Tobat kecut kalo dak. Potong betul la... Rupa2 inchek kera and the family sibuk makan belimbing. Eeee... geram nengok (bukan sebab suka k) sebab habis pokok2 kat rumah ni kena serang everyday.

Pokok rambutan, belimbing, pisang, dokong and lain2 yang ada semua takda hasil every year. Seronok bebenor inchek2 KAY (bukan Dato' K) tu makan preeee... Gertak2 kat sliding door pun dia boleh buat tak endah kat kita. Hampes kelempes punya KAY. kera2 ni dari dulu buat kacau. My neighbor buat kolam kecik, konon ala2 Bali gitu. Sia2 je sebab alih2 jadi kolam mandi KAY.

Takpe2, kita cari tips camne nak halau diorang (Uiks! DIORANG ke?) permanently. Ok, ni tips sipi2 yang dijumpai untuk menghalau kera:
1. Letak cermin or CD - agaknya kera tak suka benda silau2 kot. tapi my dad used to do this. gantung CD dekat pokok, tapi takde effect pown. Huh..
2. Panggil perhilitan - serius meh? /dignose call hari ni, bila agaknya depa nak mai?
3. KERATE kera itu- yang ni pun karut marut. mentang2 kera, nak kerate?
4. letak pukat mata 4 inci - /hmm I dont see the point here. Nyet2 kat sini happy go lucky. Kot letak nanti ada yang main buai2, ndoi2... Hoho...
5. Tangkap kera tu and boh cat merah kat dia - Miahaha... reason: bagi kawan2 kera tu horror tengok dia. Logiknya, kera ni akan pegi dekat kawan2 dia maka kawan2nya akan lari bertempiaran sebab ingatkan diri mereka dikejar makhlur asing! berlakulah  adegan kejar mengejar antara kera sekawan. Hoho... 

Ok2, lemme see & think tips mana yang nak guna. Baca sana sini, rata2 cakap No. 5 yang terbaik. Tapi nak kena sedia jerat pulak satu hal kan. Dengan nak cat kera tu lagi. Ngeee.. Bab cat tu memang menarik, tapi agak kejam. Last2, pokok2 ayah tu jadi mangsa. /XD

1. Sedang berfikir2 patut ke kerat pokok2 yang ada buah. If Uya can't get to eat those fruits, biar dua2 xtak boleh makan. /wahaha
2. Apologies for my mix and match language /please
3. Aksi golek2 akan disambung lepas ini. /floor

Monday 16 May 2011

YUJI: back to pre-school

      Yippie!!! Back to PRE-school. Wohoo! Why am I feel'n soooo EXCITED? I didn't had the chance to go to kindie back in childhood days. Agaknya sebab tu ambo sedikit tak matang... /XD See, ceria sungguh kami ni. hehe... 
Muka ceria bersebab... :D
Whoops! not that I actually go there to learn ABC...We only join the activities organised by Tadika Kautsar. Main tipu di situ...

Last month we went to 'Pusat Sains Negara' on April 7. YUJI rasa a lil' bit upset sebab DINOS ALIVE exhibition sampai 31 Mac. WHAT?! only one week gap dari tarikh yang nak pegi tu... /no Bagaikan budak kecik, kami pun menangis kekuciwaan. tido tak lena, hajat tak kesampaian. tapi janji tetap kena tunaikan, kami tetap datang untuk tolong my sister for the trip (Pada hal, nyibuk je lebey)

Sampai2 je tengok banner DINOS masih ada... Yeay! Muka gumbira tak terkata dengan harapan diorang extend exhibition. /wahaha YUJI pun pusing2 dulu bawak the kids around Pusat Science. Two big Dinos higlighted at the center of pusat sains, the viscious Tyrannosaurus Rex (TRex) and Apatosaurus/Brontosaurus. Waaa... Kagum disitu...
Sampai dekat tempat DINOS yang kecil2, muka YUJI da berubah. Dua2 sibuk bergambar with the DINOS.
Kami yang ter'OVER' excited
At the end of the trip, we were exhausted... Tapi syiooook tak terkata. Wheee....

Semalam Tadika Kautsar adakan sukaneka keluarga Kautsar pulak. YUJI pun datang la tolong pape yang patut the day before. Since, it was back to pre-school thing, we have arts & crafts and those sort of things. En Permata pun tak kurang sibuk membantu. We made horsies! "Kuda ku lari gagah berani"
Khusyuk! Tak perasan mamarazi tangkap gambar
Si gigi jarang bandit pulak suke suki main2 wif the horse's eyes.. Thehehee... Nak tolong tak boleh, main je la kan dear... :D
My Cute lil' niece with her Big sis!
Busy with the prep, tak sedar dah pukul 12 lebih (tgh mlm), the event gonna be held in the morning. Phew! Penat... Didn't notice my parents were waiting for us to go back to DM. Kesian dekat Ayah & Mum tertido in my sister's office. *I'm Sorry!* (terbayang2 gaya Amir Raja Lawak yang tak lawak but more towards irritating itu. Yikes!)

Cepat2 kemas and balik ke DM. Sampai DM, cepat2 sambung masak two brownies as promised to my sister. Ape yang di'promise'? I made a promise to sponsor brownies utk event pagi tu. Waaah! penatnye... Cepat2 prepare and finished baking by 2.30am. Cekap & pantas sekarang bila buat brownies. Thehehee.. Siap je baking, we went to bed tapi mata tanak pejam. Whyyyyy! /floor dah la tinggal tiga jam je lagi nak bangun. :'(

Tak sedar bila terlelap, sedar2 alarm dah bunyi dengan hingaqnya... eeee... /blur Mangkit! Mangkit! jangan tido balik. Nanti ada yang tak makan kat padang sukaneka tu sebab YUJI ditugaskan untuk jadi tukang amek makanan. Note: Kakak2ku yang lain tak reti memandu... Hoho... Plus kami tak ada tenaga kerja lelaki.

Selepas melagha di padang tanpa buat apa2 selain jd USHERETTE, YUJI pun tolong la kemas apa2 yang patut. Kemudian, "Kami dah pulang, emak buat cucur.. mudah saja lalalala..." Nope! kenyataan menipu di situ, kami balik DM and nobody made cucur sebab semua yang pulang pengsan right after sampai rumah... Ngee...

YuJi's opinion:
  1. was a VERY HOT sunny day (due to the haze)
  2. parents were awesome


Saturday 14 May 2011

di mana Joe Jambul?

a few days ago i made a post and some changes to enhance this corner... but what happened to it? Waaah, it went missing... penat menaip di pagi buta tp disappeared...

Sekian, mata ini tak mampu bukak lagi...

Sunday 8 May 2011

Yuji: Saturday was Zombie Day!

We didn't sleep last night! /floor The result, we became zombies! /blur

At first, we planned to sleep at my parents crib (DP). Manusia hanya merancang, Maha Esa yang menentukan. Things turn out to be horrible & unpleasant night for us. Everything because of the new parking rules. /no

At DP, you have to take a pass in order to park your car and there are two different pass, overnight (from 12am to 10am) and visitor (limit to 3 hours only) pass. We eventually arrived at 10.40pm, but still cannot take the o'night pass so need to wait until 1.40am to change to the o'night pass. FYI, the o'night passes will be given after 12am!

Jadiii... kami pun tunggu la sampai pukul 2am (terlebey sudah), En Permata went down to renew. Suddenly guard cakap, pass o'night 15 keping jer and da habes. Maka kami pun berjaga until morning...

Sometimes, manusia suka cipta peraturan yg tah hape2 ntah... What happened to us can be an example of the nonsense rule. Pendek citer, moh kite tidur. Udah2 ler jadi zombi.. huhu...


Saturday 7 May 2011

DE.LI.CIOUS : Apple Crumble

I've talked about my art attack in previous entry. Now, I'm gonna share something that is DE.LI.CIOUS! APPLE CRUMBLE!!! YUMMY!
Why I chose apple crumble? because I've a bag of apples that I'm not able to finish up until it's rotten. Yucksie! So, instead of wasting the poor food, why not we do something nice with it, aye!
Where did the apples come from?

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Arts & Crafts: Tote bag

Last two weeks we went to Klang to get some shopping @ multi-purpose (MP) bags for my beloved customers. Thanks for the support! :D

After sellecting those bags, I had a glance at this one tote. Simple without any accessories yet very cute. I thought, maybe I can add 'something' to it and asked the salesgirl if I can get it at a lower price since we've bought lots of MP bags. *WINK* *WINK* She nodded and said YES! Wohoo! I looooike!
We paid for the goodies and went directly to a shop to buy some materials for my new

Tuesday 3 May 2011

From DM to DO to DP and back to DM

OMG! It's been 4 days since my last post. Didn't have much time even to 'jeling2' at Nettie (my netbook). /omg Sibuk bebenor ke kamu tuh? Eyh, iyer ler (jawapan KL style), sungguh tak tipu. Sibuk ke sana ke mari with loads of things to do. Ape buktinye? Buktinye, rumah dah serupa tongkang pecah, mengalahkan kawasan setinggan (better lg yang setinggan kot). Do I need to show the pic? I think, better not... hehe, malu eden...

So, what's the cause? Cer teka! cer teka! Hmm... Okay, meh nak terang-benderangkan keadaan...
1st: a commitment that I have for 'something' that I put myself into 2 and a half years back... JENG! JENG! JENG! komitmen ape tue?
2nd: fulfilling responsibility as a child and family member /nobigdeal
3rd: a commitment between two individual... /blush

Thursday 28 April 2011

epy belated XXth burpday!

Yesterday was my elder sister's birthday (note that I have two more sisters), so let me wish you AGAIN! (still feel'n lil' upset that my SMS undelivered) WHYYYY!!!

Happy belated birthday Sis!
and I've made this Brownies especially for ....
my TUMMY! Ohoho...

Brownies with almonds. Sesapa yg teringin can order lor... Teehehee...

Why it went into my TUMMY??? Okay, citernye cenggini... At first I sesaja suka suki buat itu brownies at 2am in the morning. Suddenly i remembered, "owh, hari ini harijadi akaaa sayer... ape kate sayer kasi same dier". Lepas da siap masak, bawak la pi kat livingroom, konon2 nk bagi sejuk la kan. sambil dok tengok tee-vee, kerling la sikit2 kat brownies tu. makin lama kerling kat brownies tu makin nampak soooo DE.LI.CIOUS and both of us could'nt resist the temptation. *SLURP* 

Maka dengan TAK SENGAJANYA (Ahaks! hebat kan alasan ni), it went into both, me and hubby's CUTE lil' tummy (btol ke lil' tue?)... No kidding, but it was really yummy! *BURP* Syukur Alhamdulillah... Wahaha... (^o^)

So, that's why it wasnt delivered to ur tadika. Takpe2, next time pon boleh buat lagi kan. *muke innocent* Hoho... m(-.-')m nway, again hepi burpday sis! hope to see you on Friday (melainkan we go to PG's meeting). We're gonna celebrate ur birthday! Woot! wooT!... \(^___^)/

Nite2 & sweetdreams! *YAWNS*

Tuesday 26 April 2011

yuji's believe it or not?

Dari hari ke minggu, dari bulan ke tahun, dari bertahun2 (tak blh ckp ke dekad2, tipu le sangat kan) and TUT-TUDU-DUU-DU-DUUUU!!!

at last i have a BLOG.

DUH?! Ape kecoh2 ni? Dah berjuta2 orang dah tulis blog kat luar sana kot, baru ler kamu  tergerak untuk buat jugak kan... *DUSH* Ape2 pun, Cayalah Uya!!! Something that i didn't imagine i'd do sampai ke sudah. Sebab... sebaaab, saya ni sangat malas dalam bab karang-mengarang. Memang FAIL! Hikhikhik... (Pengakuan secara terbuka, sila abaikan yer) Tetibe je nk menjinak2kan diri menaip blog... Agak2nya ni penangan rindu terperap depan komputer after i resigned few months back... teeheheeee...

Anyway, this blog will be a starting point for me to merapu2 sorang2 (melainkan ada yg terlayan merapu jgk) *EVIL GRIN* and share my thoughts plus ideas with my dear friends...

and now i present you with

marenda's corner official release...

Miahaha haha...
Siap ade perasmian lagi... Canggey Manggey gitew. Hohoho. I loiiiike! Btw, there'll be lots & loads of '!!!' in future n3s coz there's a story behind that thingy. will share it dlm n3s akn datang... COMING SOON near you!!! woohoo... mcm mempromote movie kat wayang plaks kan...

okes, it's nearly 4am and i need a slap on the face. Oops! I mean i need to sleep now before i turn into a UGLY monster.. Ahaha... *YAWN*

Nite2 & Sweet Dreams! \(^___^)/